Sunday, January 8, 2012

top 5 tips

With my no experience on the wheel it is fair to say i do not know what i am talking about. with that, i think tips 1,2,8,9 and 12 are the top five tips for centering and pulling.
1.Use consistent weight and or size in your balls.
in order to get an idea of how much clay is needed to make and reproduce cylinders or bowls of the same height and shit. 2. Find and use equal pressure of the top and side hands to center. so your piece ain't all crooked and falling over before you even start pulling.
Maintain consistent speed of the wheel (faster for centering and slower for pulling). it is important to go slower when pulling because it is easier to make errors in this stage of the form. 9. Maintain slow and gradual speed of your hands up the walls. same idea as tip number 8 its good to keep a slower speed so you can catch and fix any errors you come across while pulling up the clay.12. A major consideration during all these steps is that friction is your enemy and using enough water will keep the clay from twisting or tearing. i believe this is the most important tip, you gotta keep your clay wet so as to make sure you don't get any of that twisting or tearing shit.

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