Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Assignment 1

These are plates by Sean O'Connell called "Nonagonal Plates". What really drew me to these was the diagonal lines in the outer circle that bend when they touch the ring. I love how the line thickness changes to create a kind of jagged movement towards whatever's on the plate. I can imagine it would make it uneasy for some people to eat off this with the pattern but personally, I'd see it as a wonderful visual accent to the meal.

This tea set is by Tom Rohr and is called "Coffee Service". I'm attracted to the finish and the color og the glaze for these pieces. I love how he made a ceramic set look like molten metals. He used glaze at a highfire temperature. I don't know if it's a certain glaze that acheives the metal look or how it was fired but I hope to put a metallic finish on my work. 

My plans. I hope to have a white pearly finish with matte dots and accents but I don't know if I'll end up doing this design.

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