Friday, September 30, 2011


The rustic look of these mugs spark my attention. Whenever I
see them in someone’s cupboards or I am handed a cup of steaming hot chocolate,
the mug is what I notice first. In this class, I want to learn how the colors
were created and be able to make my own.

To throw one of these pots, I would have to learn how to use
my arm muscles and steady my hands. I love the shape and texture of this piece.
Everyone makes throwing look so easy. Maybe soon, I will make it look easy. I
am excited to learn how to throw a pot like this.

Before the design was put on these small pots, they were
plain and not something I would be interested in taking home.. They needed
something to catch your eye. Now that
the design has been etched on, the pots look more decretive. The shape is very
appealing, as well.

This piece is my favorite so far! I love the swirl, the
colors, and the chips. I’m not sure what this work would be used for other than
decoration but I would buy it.

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