Tuesday, September 27, 2011

ohh la la!

Alright, so my tastes are very different. Not in terms of what people like but as in what I like. Sometimes it might be a ceramic frog and at times it might be a ceramic naked lady. I love pieces that are really simple and classy looking but I also do like pieces with a non-traditional touch to them. We all have different tastes and these are mine!

I came across this one on http://accessceramics.org. Isn’t it amazing? I really love the unexpected painting on this teapot. Most would except a teapot to be just be a single color with no artistic involvement, but not this one! How they combined the different surfaces, from a matte and to what appears to be on the gold a glossy finish. It’s very fun and eye-catching.

Here is another one that I find very interesting. How does one make this? Its mind blowing to me. The time and dedication to put into this amazing piece is something. This is done by Carla Potter and it is hand built. Hand built? Amazing! The way her hair or maybe it’s cloth that is hanging by her crown, but the way its draped down her shoulders, how her arms look so real and like a humans would look like: delicate. This is very amazing.

This final piece, is one that I also love. I tend to go back to these kind of patterns when I think of art. To me this I very Hispanic, the colors, the different shapes and details. It has a lot going on which is why I like it so much.

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