Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Cups without handles

As an artist I find simplicicty and obvious statements to be astheticly pleasing to me, and I enjoy making them. Such as this image of "Birds on wire" by Betsy Williams and "Everything we see is merely a reflection" also by Betsy Williams.
These images of simplistic elegance with what would be seen as a common cup with no handles intrigues me. Also the fact that they're black and white, brightly contrasting one another, but balancing each other out as two should do. It really is fascinating how much we can do with the basic "cup with no handles" especially since that not only includes masterfully done cups like those depicted here, but can also include coffee thermuses, water bottles, water glasses, shot glasses, pop cans, heck even capri-suns get close to that idea! They all have the capacity of distributing a liquid of some sort or another to our lips, for our drinking pleasure. Never quite thought about how important that idea of a cup with no handles could be until now, especially since now that its pointed out how obvious they are! they're everywhere! Simplistically blending in to society, and bending to our basic will of drinking.
Simplicity at its finest, and most interesting form. "Cloud Cups" By Sam Chung, is another great example of the beauty that can be identified with
the basic black and white combination.
it has a timeless design, with a modernistic simplistic feel. It doesnt crowd the audience or force its way into their view. Instead it sits silently, not blaring us with overactive decals or frilly unnecessary shapes. It just simply is, for our drinking pleasure, whatever that may be.
Finally last on my list of intriguing cups without handles is this image, "Nestled toasting glass #4" By Erik Rempe. The design behind this is two seperate pieces that come apart, and as separate pieces they are fairly simple. however once you put them together that idea changes quickly. I find this to be my favorite of the bunch because not only can you use it as a cup, but once its purpose has been fulfilled and it goes back to sitting on the shelf with its base, it is highly interesting to look at!
Thats no ordinary glass of water, and I like it that way.

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