Monday, September 26, 2011

What I Dig

Pieces that catch my eye the most are thrown "simple" and painted or glazed in amazing ways. I like to see how much detail a person puts into the colors and patterns on the pieces. I feel like it's such a simple art form, but it looks so complicated. I think it's because it's a way I can watch my progress as an artist working with clay. I can throw small cups and bowls, which makes me ecstatic just watching how I'm able to turn a ball of clay into something so cool. Then on top of that, glazing it with all different kinds of colors.

This tea cup is a great example of what I 
picture when I think about "ceramics":

Here are other pieces that I think look super cool:
I also like when artists use clay in a way that doesn't make it look like clay. It fascinates me when an artist can use clay to make a piece that looks exactly like a human head, or look like water is pouring out of a glass, or denim jeans, or whatever. The shock factor of reaching out to touch a piece of art thinking it's made out of cloth or wood and then finding out it's heavy, cold, and hard because it was made out of clay is so cool every time. 

Like this:
I would never think that this was made out of clay. I looks like a black ribbon and I love how the artist was able to capture the look and movement of a cloth-like material with clay.

I got these images from

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