journal entry #2 (Michaela)
Cups that don’t have a handle to me is just a normal cup, when I think of a cup I think of a plastic or glass cylinder. When someone says they have a cup with a handle, I think of a mug or a beer stein. So when I first saw this topic, I was a little confused as to what one would have to say about handle-less cups. Then I went on the internet, including the provided websites and I realized that cups with no handle come in a much wider variety than I first thought. There is your every day drinking glass, sippy cups, hot beverage mugs, travel cups, and the new insulated plastic cups that come with a lid and straw that my sister affectionately calls the “Boom-Boom” cup.
Suffice it to say that there are a whole slew of cups out there that lack a handle. Is a water bottle considered a cup? Or not..? Maybe the reusable ones are, but probably not the plastic ones. You see? It’s easy to get on a tangent about cups, who knew.
You where suppose to do your journal research on the listed websites in your syllabus.